Quick Wins

[QW16] Is ‘farther’ or ‘further’ correct?

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]     I don't provide a lot of grammar-type Quick Wins nowadays (let me know if you'd like to see those, again), but I thought it was time to throw this one into the mix. In my...

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[QW15] Taming your ‘Save As’ list in MS Office

[QW15] Taming your ‘Save As’ list in MS Office

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]     OK now. Seriously. Am I the only person fed up with the cumbersome ‘Save As’ list in MS Office products? That puppy seems to go on forEVer. In reality, this is our 'Recent...

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[QW14] Getting past the iPad/iPhone ‘Unable to Move Message’

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]     You're on your iPad (or iPhone), cleaning up your email inbox. There are several messages you need to send to Trash. On the third one, you are stopped cold in your tracks....

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[QW13] How to email a perfect file

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]     Once upon a time, the world had typewriters. You typed a page, gave it to a client, and it did not morph into something different. Then, God created the people ... who...

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[QW12] Kathie’s ‘7 deadlies’: words to avoid in projects

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]   [ Executive summary: avoid overusing the words on the 2nd bulleted list. 🙂 ] It doesn't matter if we are authoring a technical manual, non-fiction book on X process, or a...

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[QW11] Fixing corrupted Windows filenames

Happy Anniversary to our Quick Win posts! The first QW offering appeared on May 20 last year, and we haven't looked back! I love these. They are short, sweet, and get some useful 'office tech' or other tips in your hands. The QWs usually come from costly lessons...

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[QW10] – Copying an online button or its text

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]   . Here are three reasons to copy a website button or the text behind it: You don't have time to check out the information right now. You want to see where the button leads before...

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[QW9] – Adding professional bullets to your LinkedIn profile

[QW9] – Adding professional bullets to your LinkedIn profile

[ My Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]     Yeees, I know LinkedIn® has a way to add bullet points to your About section. But the ones I've seen are unprofessional ('cutesy' icons, really), and LinkedIn keeps...

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[QW8] “How do I get past client objections?”

[QW8] “How do I get past client objections?”

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]     "Heard it all before, yadda, yadda, yadda." Of course. But how many of us paid attention? Writing a post on this topic was the farthest thing from my mind. (Except for the...

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[QW7] Two words for ya: kitchen timer!

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]     Here's a mini business tip to start off our new Quick Win year. Enjoy. [QW7] Two words for ya: kitchen timer! This is one of those "Why didn't I think of this?"...

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[QW6] Is ‘Everyone has …’ or ‘… have …’ correct?

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]   If you've followed along with the Quick Wins from the beginning, this is where it starts paying off! In [QW1], we discussed a team is a collection of people making up: A group An...

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[QW5] “It’s” vs. “Its”

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]   Here is a problematic word puzzler where one outlier does not follow the rule. [QW5] "It's" vs. "Its" We often find an apostrophe demonstrating ownership: The dog's bone A...

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[QW4] ‘Democratic’ vs. ‘Democrat’

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]   Okay, pet peeve time. We in the U.S. are ramping up to an election in early November. And I guarantee: we will hear and see the word 'democratic' misused 99% of the time between...

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[QW3] Don’t confuse ‘I’ and ‘me’

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]   One of the most difficult things to get right in sentences is 'I' and 'me.' [QW3] Don't confuse 'I' and 'me' Let me show you two correct examples, and then explain the method I...

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