If you’ve read anything I’ve written about non-overwhelming work and life, you won’t be surprised with my word for 2024: SIMPLIFY.
Although I’ve shared multiple ideas with you for making processes easier, there’s always room for improvement. Right?
When I discovered this ‘simplify’ article from Mary Hunt, I had to share her non-overwhelm(-y) ideas. It’s not really what I do, but here you go anyway, 😎 along with my comments.
1. Carry only the keys you use every day
“Clean everything else off of your key ring. If you don’t recognize what a key is for, toss it. If you have keys you use occasionally, keep them on separate rings in a safe place. I carry only three keys: house, car, and office. They are not bulky, they’re simple to select, and they fit into a small pocket in my purse. That little trick simplified my life, and my car‘s ignition is happier, too. Heavy keys pull the ignition out of alignment, causing it to eventually fail.”
My take: I have done this, but I don’t throw away an errant key. I keep it, in case I figure out later what uses it. The best part of clearing your key ring … beyond saving your car’s ignition, perhaps … is making it easy to drop them into an overnight case when you travel by air. Out of the way for the trip’s duration.
2. Get rid of all but one credit card
“One statement, one bill. Having so many credit cards can really stress your life and it is not necessary. In fact, many cards are hazardous to your wealth. Start today with the goal to strategically get rid of all but one, on which you carry a $0 balance.”
My take: We are here at our house, fully paying each invoice. (Mary once had 35 credit cards with balances!) I do keep another card with me in case my normal ‘brand’ isn’t accepted somewhere. But that spare card is rarely used.
3. Downsize your purse or briefcase
“Carry only the minimum essentials. If you’re anything like me, no matter what size of bag you carry, it is completely filled and then some. Ditch the bag that’s the size of Nebraska in favor of something small and compact. Now carry only the items you really need.”
My take: Now that I have a biz smartphone, my small purse can be an issue. However, when I’m out and about, I rarely take my phone inside anywhere. It stays in the car. I don’t need it in the grocery store or during a meeting, fer cryin’ out loud. (And it’s turned off evenings and weekends. Yup. It’s the company phone; not needed during off hours.)
4. Thin your wardrobe
“You will eliminate a lot of stress from your life by simply reducing the number of clothes you own. It is a simple step but one I will admit fills me with dread. The how-to is pretty straightforward. It’s the why-to that can easily trip us up. But understanding the benefits is what helps me keep a pared-down closet: dressing with less saves money – and time – too! Knowing that every item in my closet is something I love to wear gives me clarity and a wonderful sense of freedom.”
My take: The Hubby and I have a rule: if you bring a new ‘X’ in, an old one has to go (plus anything you haven’t worn for a year). I have three basic colors and everything mixes and matches. Makes packing for vacation easier, too.
5. Cut back your jewelry to a couple of simple but elegant items
“It takes a lot of energy to manage dozens of pairs of earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. About 15 years ago, I decided I would own and wear only one pair of classic earrings. It was a bold move but one I have never regretted. You cannot imagine how this has simplified my life. Like my wedding band, I wear the same pair of quality 24-karat classic gold hoops.”
My take: I’m so glad to see someone else say this about jewelry. Me? Two rings and usually one tiny necklace. That’s it. Always an elegant look, even if I’m in jeans. My mom traveled with entire sets of jewelry. Oh, my.
6. Buy only white linens
“Now everything matches, and that saves time and hassle. Fine hotels everywhere feature all white linens. You should, too. When everything is white, you don’t worry about fading, about matching sets, or about whether the linens match the room’s decor. Every top sheet goes with every fitted sheet so you don’t have laundry-time hassles. Everything launders the same. White linens are classic, and they’re cheaper, too.”
My take: I see Mary’s point here, but at our house, each person has two towel and bed sheet sets of their preferred color (one of each to use, one ready to go). And if everyone is ‘assigned’ to fold their own bed linens (hope!), they can find theirs at a glance.
7. Handle the mail only once
“Don’t carry all the junk mail to the table to only become more household clutter. Keep a tasteful waste can right where you open the mail and dump the junk the moment you identify it as such. Don’t rifle through the latest mail order catalogs just to see what’s new. If you don’t need something now, you won’t need all the things to catch your eye. Time. We were given just 24 hours each day. So far, no one‘s figured out how to increase that number. But if you begin to simplify your life, you’ll swear you’ve suddenly found more hours in your day!”
My take: We’re good here, opening the junk to see if there’s info on how to get off the list (and shredding anything else with our contact information on it).
I love it when there’s a fax number or a postage-paid envelope inside the junk mail. I fax my info (or mail everything back) with a note to remove me from their list and to not share my info. Works like a charm, because they paid to get my request. No way to do this? Call them. It’s more work on your part, but worth it.
One other thing, though Mary doesn’t mention it: I pay bills immediately when they’re available. Yeah, I may lose a coupla pennies’ worth of interest, but it’s worth it not having to remember to pay it on time.
Info Sources
Mary Hunt publishes good articles each week on her website and in the media. I found the one I’ve quoted here in the weekly newspaper The Epoch Times, Issue: Feb. 28-March 5, 2024, Page C12
Check out Mary’s website. It is full of “Ah HAH!” moments and ways to non-overwhelm our lives.
Mary Hunt, Founder
Thanks for stopping by. I rarely share other people’s ‘Tips’ articles, but this one was so helpful I couldn’t pass it up. I hope you enjoyed it.
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Kathie York is the Queen of Non-Overwhelm, and her passion is to help you reach peace and calm in work or life. In 2022, Kathie launched her practical, non-overwhelming (!) Goals Accountability Blueprint training.
She added the colorful, budget-friendly ACHIEVE! Goals Toolkit interactive workbook in 2024, and the ACHIEVE! Non-Overwhelm Toolkit is coming by 2026. Check out the first two here.
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