
3 Steps to Non-Overwhelming Your Project

3 Steps to Non-Overwhelming Your Project

  I've discovered a helpful list* from author, speaker, and pastor David Jeremiah. His Everything You Need series of lessons includes several good materials (book, CDs, etc.). You may want to add them to your library. Today, I’m sharing three items where I think...

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“People can’t see me on my video call!”

“People can’t see me on my video call!”

  This article springs from the video on my computer's camera suddenly not connecting. People could hear me, but they couldn’t see me.   It took me two days to realize the solution was simple ...   ... and I'd like you to start there!   Although I have a PC, I'm sure...

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A no-yawnfest gift for Mother’s Day

A no-yawnfest gift for Mother’s Day

Did you know that over 100 countries have a special day for celebrating mothers? In the U.S., it's the second Sunday in May. And every few years, I re-post a special mom article near that time. I want to share it with you. Although my company focus has changed a bit,...

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[Non-O moment #3] “It is what it is.”

[Non-O moment #3] “It is what it is.”

  ( A message for you addressing my flagship concept: finding Non-Overwhelm. Enjoy! )     You know I’m all about getting away from the world-won’t-revolve-without-me mindset. It almost killed me, and I don’t want that to happen to you. (See chapter 2 in my...

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[GOALS 11-14] Goal-killing traits to avoid

[GOALS 11-14] Goal-killing traits to avoid

[ Note: don't miss the "THIS JUST IN!" message at the end of this post. You'll find a last-minute addition of an infographic to help your goals success. Instant download. ]   Whether or not you've worked through my 5-part series on pursuing the right objectives...

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[QW29] Is this … your goal?

[QW29] Is this … your goal?

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]     To some, the title of this post seems goofy.  But if friends keep telling you ... "You'd be so good at that!" or-r-r "Why don't you ...?" or-r-r "___<fill in the...

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[QW28] Checklists: a perfect non-overwhelm(er)!

[QW28] Checklists: a perfect non-overwhelm(er)!

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]     Hey, now! Don’t roll your eyes at my idea 😊   I’m not talking about being one of those people with a checklist for their checklists.    I’m talking about the two or three...

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“What is your strangest chaos-to-non-overwhelm story?”

“What is your strangest chaos-to-non-overwhelm story?”

    Happy New Start!   It’s 2024, and – as the Queen of Non-Overwhelm and your Goals Accountability instructor – I’m supposed to challenge you to:   “Overcome the angst!” “Be the best you can be!” “Figure out another cliché phrase!” (I made up that one.)   Ewwww!...

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[GOAL 10] Get your ‘success steps’ ready

[GOAL 10] Get your ‘success steps’ ready

  Over the past two months, you've been ramping up to 2024 by herding New Year’s Resolutions ducks into rows.  In October, you learned to think of ‘goal’ as Getting Organized and Leading. And – bless your heart – you let me bully you into using a pen, paper, and...

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[GOAL 9] Are your 2024 resolutions ‘workable’?

[GOAL 9] Are your 2024 resolutions ‘workable’?

  In October, we discussed the word ‘goal’ as an acronym: Getting Organized and Leading (  Click to review October's article:  [GOAL 8] Start on your 2024 objectives n.o.w.  ) Since then, you’ve worked on a mini-project to help you jump-start 2024. You've written...

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[QW 27 follow-up] Think about each sheet of paper!

[QW 27 follow-up] Think about each sheet of paper!

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]   Hey, there! In September, I shared my "Well, DUH!" moment when I figured out how to find a stash of printer paper right under our noses. Remember this? I was embarrassed I hadn't...

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[GOAL 8] Start on your 2024 objectives n.o.w.

[GOAL 8] Start on your 2024 objectives n.o.w.

    When we turn the calendar over in January, will we have a couple of goals (resolutions) written there, ready to pounce on them and get to work? Yes, we will because we’re starting today. Let’s non-overwhelm dat puppy! ( After recording, I changed the word...

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[GOAL 7] Build ‘wiggle room’ into your schedule

[GOAL 7] Build ‘wiggle room’ into your schedule

  A few months ago, I worked with a group on my 7 Steps to Non-Overwhelm. I mentioned how – to take advantage of an opportunity that suddenly presented itself – I moved things around to meet it. All without creating a blip on my calendar's radar, mind you....

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