I’ve discovered a helpful list* from author, speaker, and pastor David Jeremiah.
His Everything You Need series of lessons includes several good materials (book, CDs, etc.). You may want to add them to your library.
Today, I’m sharing three items where I think we can relate David’s basic ideas to my non-overwhelm concept.
When you’re stumped by a problem, consider these three steps to help you reach a solution.
[ * Episode ‘The Promise’ From Everything You Need CD series. https://www.davidjeremiah.org/store/ ]
Think of your problem as a project to complete. A goal to reach. Where do you need to improve in this setting? What are the struggles that brought you here in the first place? Be honest with yourself, or the exercise is pointless. 😎
After your soul-searching, share your discoveries with others you trust. It’s partly about asking for their help in getting past your weaknesses and completing your project.
But the other part is listening and taking notes. Once you ‘put it out there’ to others, you’ll receive ideas for reaching your goal.
For the scenario in his talk, Dr. Jeremiah suggests using a loose-leaf binder and alphabetizing your notes. If this works for your project, you could move the pages around to create your own reference guide.
Goals Accountability Blueprint students, you know I’m loving David’s suggestion: a notebook where you write things down in the real world. 😊 We internalize and remember better when we physically jot it down on paper.
Here’s a quick review for non-overwhelming your next project or goal endeavor:
- Analyze your weaknesses when it comes to reaching this target.
- Ask others for ideas on overcoming the difficulties.
- Organize their answers into a list you can prioritize.
Non-Overwhelm dat puppy!
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Kathie York is the Queen of Non-Overwhelm and your Goals Accountability instructor. She helps you reach peace and calm in your business and/or life, and in 2022, Kathie launched her practical Goals Accountability Blueprint training. Click here for more info!
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