“Want my secret to non-overwhelming those bits-n-bobs tasks?”

by | Feb 13, 2024

A bullhorn and a ringing bell icon attached to a conversation balloon. The text says, "Today, Kathie asks: "Do 'early risers' really accomplish more during their day? Here's what happened when I experimented ...."


I’ve always preferred staying up late and waking up late.
Yeah … that didn’t work well until I started my own business.

But one morning a few months ago, I awoke at 5:00 a.m. (groggy grumble) and couldn’t get back to sleep. Thinking, “Howzabout getting something done around here before the workday starts?” I jumped out of bed.
Well … really … it was more like a rolling-my-eyes version of putting my feet on the floor. It was still dark out, fer cryin’ out loud. Hadn’t I left that schedule behind years ago? Oof!
But, all my life I’d heard those “The early bird gets the worm!” quotes. I figured: an early success in my day would be a motivator, right?

Well, by golly … it was!

I learned that what they say about ‘morning people’ seems to be true: if you get an early start, you’ll get a ton more work done than you thought possible.

How’m I doing?

So far, I’ve managed this early thing at least two or three times a month. The encouragement factor is what keeps me motivated. It’s not always the same tasks, so that’s good.
I am amazed at what I can accomplish within an early 1-hour time frame, especially if it’s for more than one day in a row. Even a half-hour works. Try it!

I’m talking about those little bits-n-bobs (I love that phrase from my Brit and Aussie buddies) that are always there, but we put ’em off. No matter what happened the rest of each day, I had accomplished something first thing and freed up part of my Saturday.

Felt good. Non-overwhelmed each of those days, plus made it easier to tackle the next ‘early day.’

Worth it!


I hope you found this post helpful and can incorporate some of my ideas. They sure benefited me!

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I know you’re busy, and I appreciate your time.

If you have a question about this article or need a quick, free, 15-minute non-overwhelm help session, please email me.
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Kathie York is the Queen of Non-Overwhelm and your Goals Accountability instructor. She helps you reach peace and calm in your business and/or life, and in 2022, Kathie launched her practical Goals Accountability Blueprint training. Click here for more info!


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  1. Norm Phelps

    Thanks Kathie. Another great article. My wife and I have almost always had complementary schedules. I go to bed three hours earlier than her and I get up three hours earlier than she does Sunday thru Friday. This gives each of us three hours to ourselves those days to get our little tasks done. Thanks again for all your help.

    • Kathie York

      Thanks for your comment, Norm, and I’m glad you enjoyed the article. We tend to be on different sleep schedules here, too, and it sure does help. Schedule those little tasks where you can focus and get ’em done.


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Kathie York, CSQE
Queen of Non-Overwhelm
Goals Accountability Instructor

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