“People can’t see me on my video call!”

by | Jun 5, 2024

This article springs from the video on my computer’s camera suddenly not connecting. People could hear me, but they couldn’t see me.
It took me two days to realize the solution was simple …
… and I’d like you to start there!
Although I have a PC, I’m sure there’s a similar process for Mac users.
If people can hear you on a video call but cannot see you, this may be the solution to your problem. 

“People can’t see me on my video call!”


Step-by-step instructions

1. Make sure your computer, your monitor, and your mouse are all powered on and connected to the appropriate areas on your PC.
2. Click the START button on your screen (a Windows logo, probably at the bottom left of your screen).
3. You should see a ‘gear’ icon at the left of the program list that pops up.
a. Move your mouse to the gear and click it when the word Settings appears.
b. IF you don’t see the gear, scroll to Settings in the alphabetical programs list. Settings will be far down on the list.
4. On the Settings page click on Privacy (probably near the bottom of the page)
    This takes you to the General settings page.
5. On the left menu of the General page, scroll to App permissions.
6. Click on Camera on the App permissions list. 
    This places you on the Camera settings page. 
7. On the Camera settings page, scroll to Allow apps to access your camera.
     Note: This may be near the top of the page, and you won’t need to scroll.
a. If the toggle switch is ‘Off,’ click it to toggle it ‘On.’
This is what I had turned off during a privacy ‘sweep.’ I didn’t realize my plug-in camera was viewed (by Windows) as an App. 

There ya go!

I hope this quick fix is all you’ll need if your computer’s video camera stops being a v.i.d.e.o camera! If you start your sleuthing here, you may solve the issue quickly.

Try it!

Thanks for stopping by. I love providing these articles for you, and I hope this one will help you non-overwhelm this video camera issue.

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Thanks for spending part of your day with me. I know you’re busy, and I appreciate your time. I hope to talk with you soon,


Kathie York is the Queen of Non-Overwhelm and your Goals Accountability instructor. She helps you reach peace and calm in your business and/or life, and in 2022, Kathie launched her practical Goals Accountability Blueprint training. Click here for more info!

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Kathie York, CSQE
Queen of Non-Overwhelm
Goals Accountability Instructor

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