A few months ago, I worked with a group on my 7 Steps to Non-Overwhelm. I mentioned how – to take advantage of an opportunity that suddenly presented itself – I moved things around to meet it.
All without creating a blip on my calendar’s radar, mind you.
Someone asked, “How did you manage that?! Right now, I’m missing out on a good project because I’m overbooked.”
Here’s how I did it.
This might not work if you already have too much on your plate, but take it to heart for the future (and, of course, try not to get overbooked!).
[GOAL 7] Build ‘wiggle room’ into your schedule
• Learning Day (Friday)
• Client workdays (Tuesdays and Thursdays)
Here’s where it pays off
When I discovered that surprise opportunity, I had the flex time to pursue it the next week:
• I had a Catch Up Day.
• I used my unscheduled Client work Thursday (no students at that time).
• Friday’s Learning Day items were moved to Monday.
This gave me an uninterrupted Thursday and Friday. My habit of leaving Mondays uncluttered paid off big time!
Your takeaway goal
Starting next week, and then for four weeks:
- Write down a weekly schedule you think you can stick to.
- Make sure at least one day is full of ‘wiggle room.’
If something doesn’t work as planned:
- Take notes and update your schedule for the following week.
- Avoid the temptation to change anything during a week.
- Repeat as necessary!
It took me months to find what usually works well for my weekly calendar. Use what you can from my journey and change things as needed. Find my process in Chapter 1 of my book or the non-overwhelm posts here on my site. While the book has much more info, the posts inspired it.
Use the Comments field to let us know how it’s going!
I hope you’ll find this GOAL project helpful. This process sure turned my schedule around!
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Thanks for spending part of your day with me.
I know you’re busy, and I appreciate your time.
Hope to hear from you soon. Let’s chat,
Kathie York is the Queen of Non-Overwhelm and a Goals Accountability instructor. Students love her unique goals training program (the ultimate in non-overwhelm, right?) Check it out here. Although Kathie’s office is near Indianapolis, Indiana [U.S.], she works with colleagues worldwide.