[QW30] Dumping distractions

by | Sep 10, 2024

[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]


If you’re like me, your mind can go several directions at once when you need to c.o.n.c.e.n.t.r.a.t.e on something.

“What something?”

Oh, maybe a lesson for that must-get-it-done-this-week course you’re finishing.

It could be the talk you’re giving on the second Thursday to the _________ Club.

Like that.

The problem? The moment you sit down to work, bits and pieces of other must-get-it-done items flood your brain.

And you get side-tracked, big time.

I have an easy cure for that.


[QW30] Dumping distractions

Now, before I tell you my solution to this ‘getting sidetracked’ thing, ya gotta promise you won’t laugh. It’s one of my, “I didn’t think about this either. Until I did” moments.

The next time you sit down to work on something, grab a little notebook. Whenever your brain interrupts you with, “Oh, you need to …” jot it down.

See? It’s laughable because it’s so easy. But you promised not to laugh. 😎 


Surprise ending #1

The first time I tried this – a little shamefaced for not thinking of it years before – I discovered a delightful surprise. By the time I finished the project I was there to finish (!), those extraneous notes (on the side) had planned out my day!


Once I checked the list, I realized a couple of items could go to the next day. One was moved to the next week. So, there’s a bonus. That made my day a little more non-overwhelmed.


Surprise ending #2

The more I do this, the more I train my brain to concentrate when I need it to. Nice!

I rarely need my notebook, now. But when I do, I grab it. No time to waste!


I hope this Quick Win works for you. Let me know!

Please subscribe for more Quick Wins ( QWs) and other non-overwhelm tips.

I promise: NO inbox stuffing or sharing your information.

Thanks for spending part of your day with me.
I know you’re busy, and I appreciate the sacrifice.

Have a great rest of your day, and I’ll see you next time,


Kathie York is the Queen of Non-Overwhelm, and her purpose here is to help you reach peace and calm in work or life. In 2022, Kathie launched her practical, non-overwhelming (!) Goals Accountability Blueprint training.

She added the colorful, budget-friendly ACHIEVE! Goals Toolkit interactive workbook in 2024, and the ACHIEVE! Non-Overwhelm Toolkit is coming by 2026. Check out the first two here


The entire collection of [QW] posts.

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  1. Robyn Smith

    Thanks, Kathie!
    I was just thinking yesterday how it had been a while since you’d popped into my inbox. This was a great return! And, no, at least for me this is new info and a clever idea. The two surprise endings were especially encouraging. Thanks for not being afraid to share the seemingly “obvious.” You’re not alone in your revelations.

    • Kathie York

      Hi, Robyn … yeah, you can see I was a little afraid people would laugh at me on this one. But I figured it helped me so much, let’s go for it. Surprise #2 is my fave. Regarding your inbox, I’ve checked to make sure you’re still listed as a subscriber. You are, so please keep an eye out on October 10 when you should receive your next early-notice email. (Yes, I have a note on my planning calendar about it. :->) Thanks for stopping by and have a good rest of your week.

  2. Norman Phelps

    Great QW! Thanks Kathie. I always have a pad and pen at my computer. However, after a while, I end up with two or three or five pads and am now searching for that note I wrote a few days past on ‘Which notepad was that?’ I need to stick to one notepad. Maybe I will, one day. Thanks again.

    • Kathie York

      Hi , Norm! Thanks, and I was grinning as I read about the several notepads. I finally gave up on having anything but my old-fashioned ‘steno book.’ I use those for my weekly notes pages in my office. If I write rreeaall teeny, I can get a list in a corner so it’s out of the way. Glad you enjoyed the article. I love sharing the Quick Wins, and I had fun with this one. Oh. And on using just one source for the notes? My steno pad is always in one place. IIII got tired of asking the question, “I wonder where I put that little notepad? What was logical that day?” :->


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Kathie York, CSQE
Queen of Non-Overwhelm
Goals achievement instructor

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