Johnny Appleseed Day

by | Sep 19, 2018

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Freelance writers: an interesting ‘newsjack’ for next Wednesday

In Indiana (United States), Johnny Appleseed is part of the folklore. There are several of you who can use this ‘newsjack’ to further your business. Top of mind:

  • History teachers can present a U.S.hero … born before there was even a U.S!
  • Geography blogs could trace Johnny’s journeys.
  • Apple orchards (or other nurseries) can use Johnny for an entire month of sales.

John ‘Johnny Appleseed’ Chapman was born on September 26, 1774, and – according to Cheryl Ogden, the director of the Johnny Appleseed Museum in Urbana, Ohio – started his historic treks in 1801.

Traveling from his home state of Massachusetts, Mr. Chapman touched parts of Pennsylvania and West Virginia before heading to what is now called the Midwest.

He planted and nurtured orchards of apple trees during his travels, raising crops he later sold to fellow-pioneers.

These trees helped adventurous families (as far west as the current state of Illinois) stake a claim to a piece of land.

Planting different varieties helped John – and my ancestors – learn which apples adapted best to particular climates.

Here’s a salute to John Chapman, a generous, hard-working man who helped establish these tasty pomes in parts of America.

Happy Johnny Appleseed Day!
September 26

My thanks to [ ], How Stuff Works [], and [ ]
for this information. Captured online from July 23-31, 2018.


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  1. Gary Behling

    I’m glad he came to the Midwest! Love those apples!

    • Kathie York

      Totally agree, Gary.
      I was happy to find John’s efforts fit right in with the ‘fun holiday’ timing, this month.
      He was pretty brave to take on the journey. H-a-r-d work and no Interstate rest areas :->
      I, too, am glad he made the effort!

  2. Ron

    Great story.

    • Kathie York

      It was such difficult work, and I appreciate John so much!
      I can’t imagine staying with it when there were so many hardships.
      Thanks for the input, Ron.


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