Kathie’s ‘take’ on Hemingway Editor

by | Nov 6, 2021

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I’m open to saving editing bucks when I can.

Although most of my time is spent working with clients’ websites and holding 1:1 coaching sessions, I still write. 

And – like many of you – I write a bunch!

There are always editors (and proofers … “Hi!” proofreaders!) to give our work its final polish, but the more we do ahead of time, the smaller the bill from our editor.

Here are a couple of free helpers for you

Infographic: 4 Money-Saving Steps to Your First Draft

Remember the handout 4 Money-Saving Steps to Your First Draft from last year?
[ Hey! November is becoming Be a Big Helper month around here! 😎 ] 
If you missed it, here’s a copy to download (no email needed)

You can use this little gem to wrestle your work into better shape.

This method works for just about anything, including websites, online courses, office documentation, and marketing materials.

When you want to do even more before hiring a professional, here’s an option.

Hemingway Editor

This tool alerts us to poor construction in our writing.

It indicates passive voice, difficult-to-read sentences, and unnecessary adverbs, along with other items I’ll mention momentarily.

Feel free to open Hemingway and refer to it while reading through these notes.

Although this button opens a new tab for Hemingway, I’ve programmed it to leave my site open, too.

Yes, open Hemingway Editor and keep Kathie’s site open.

You can move (ALT + TAB) between the tabs or drag one tab to a second monitor and view them side-by-side (I think this is COMMAND + TAB on a Mac).

When you open the Hemingway tool, a sample document appears:

  • You’ll see color-coded sentences explaining how the app helps you write better.
  • There is a word count and grade level readability index.
  • A legend reminds you about the color codes (passive voice, difficult to read, etc.).

Note: it’s a good idea to keep casual writing between the 6th- and 8th-grade reading levels.

You’ll find a link for a desktop Hemingway Editor app when you’re in the program.

I go with the desktop copy because I like to work offline.

You can write your text in the application, but I copy and paste it from a Word document.

Cautionary note

Hemingway Editor is a good tool to have in your writing lineup.
BUT … remember: nothing electronic replaces our eyes and our brains! 

For example, last month’s Quick Win post discussed the difference in using the words ‘farther’ and ‘further.’ At this time, Hemingway does not alert you to the incorrect use of these words.

But, as you’ve seen, that’s not its job.
Use this
tool as a tool, not an all-knowing oracle with every answer.

Join the Conversation

It’s your turn! Please select one of these discussion topics or bring your own.

• Did you try the Hemingway Editor? What did you think?

• Is there another editing program you use? Tell us why you like it.

• Do you use a professional editor and/or proofer?

Let’s all learn from each other!

Please share this post and subscribe (see the box beneath my photo) so you won’t miss other tech or text training nuggets. My promise: I will never stuff your inbox or share your information.

Thanks for stopping by. I know you’re busy, and I appreciate your time.

If you have a question about Hemingway Editor, let me know. Click here to send me a note.

This is my final post for 2021, as we come into a busy season (at least in the United States), and I want to thank you for a great year.

For those in the States, Happy Thanksgiving on the 25th.


And for those worldwide celebrating it in December, Merry Christmas.


I’ll see you back here in January!


Find other writing tips          Zoomcast video workshops          MY BOOK !!

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Kathie York, CSQE
Queen of Non-Overwhelm
Goals achievement instructor

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