( A message for you addressing my flagship concept: finding Non-Overwhelm. Enjoy! ) You know I’m all about getting away from the world-won’t-revolve-without-me mindset. It almost killed me, and I don’t want that to happen to you. (See chapter 2 in my...
Non-O moments
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[Non-O moment #2] Dumping weekly schedule overload!
(A short message for you about my flagship issue: finding Non-Overwhelm!) I recently discovered a FamilyLife Today (FLT) article about our weekly schedules. You know this topic is near and dear to my heart if you’ve read my book. You’ll find FLT’s full article here...
[Non-O moment #1] Don’t forget the “No”
(A message for you about my flagship issue: finding Non-Overwhelm!) As the Queen of Non-Overwhelm, I had to send these two stories your way. A friend recently told me about trapping themselves into wwaayy overpromising their time. This is big stuff,...
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