(A short message for you about my flagship issue: finding Non-Overwhelm!)
I recently discovered a FamilyLife Today (FLT) article about our weekly schedules. You know this topic is near and dear to my heart if you’ve read my book.
You’ll find FLT’s full article here … FamilyLife Today article
… but please check out my Kathie-style takeaways first. 😎
[Non-O #2] Dumping weekly schedule overload!
Wrangling our schedules is a big part of reaching non-overwhelm. FamilyLife Today doesn’t use that term, but you’re familiar with it ’cause I keep preachin’ it.
In several countries, school has started up again, and our fall schedules are slowly moving into place.
I hope your summer was full of unscheduled time, peace, calm, and serenity.
But even if you’ve been good for the past couple of months, it’s tempting to revert to the fear-of-missing-out scramble.
Let’s brace for it and ask ourselves 4 important questions:
- “How does taking the time out of the current schedule benefit me/us?”
Will X leave enough time to prioritize being together with loved ones, getting plenty of sleep, and adding quality to your life? - “Does this every-7-days commitment place a strain on me/us in any way?”
What sacrifices must you and others make for this activity to go forward? Do the benefits outweigh the self-denials … and does everyone agree? Family values will have much to do with the answer, and FLT has a free values assessment available for you. - “What motivators are driving my interest toward this weekly endeavor?”
Do you have FOMO … fear of missing out? Do you want to participate in another ongoing obligation? - “How tightly is i.d.e.n.t.i.t.y tied to this effort? (Is it all about me? Someone else?)“
How tightly is your identity tied up in this weekly endeavor? Do you want to participate to ‘look good’? Are you in it just for the kudos or applause? Or because it’s someone else’s goal for you … so they’ll look good?
Oooo. #4 is brutal.
Yes, but we all know those people (“Oh, look at me! Look at what my kid’s doing!”).
Let’s ensure we aren’t one of them, OK?
My notations here are heavily truncated from FamilyLife‘s article, so don’t forget to check out their superior offering!
I hope you found this post helpful and will take a few minutes to read the FamilyLife Today article.
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Kathie York is the Queen of Non-Overwhelm and a Goals Accountability instructor. Students love her unique goals training program (the ultimate in non-overwhelm, right?) Check it out here. Although Kathie’s office is near Indianapolis, Indiana [U.S.], she works with colleagues worldwide.
Another post about doing too much! Kathie’s Non-Overwhelm book
Check out Laura Lopuch’s helpful, non-spammy approach to
cold emailing. I’m a graduate of the Growth Multiplier Mentorship,
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