Don’t grab the wrong Quick Access Tool!

by | Apr 4, 2022

We select the wrong icon and go back to the beginning of our PowerPoint slideshow.
Not to Slide 11. And we’re in front of a potential client. 

We tap ‘Quick Print’ instead of ‘Read Aloud’… and an 85-page document spits out of our printer. Enough, already!


Years ago, after grabbing the wrong ‘quick access’ tool one. too. many. times, I asked:

“Can we move those itty bitty icons at the top of Microsoft files?”

It turns out: yes, we can!

Those ‘itty bitty icons’ live on our Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) at the top of our files.

And they come in pretty handy.

Um … until we have a ‘critical’ tool next to an ‘innocuous’ one. And get in a hurry. Yeah.

Check out these steps

I’ve provided a handout for you. You’ll find step-by-step notes for adding, deleting, and moving Quick Access Toolbar icons. I also explain why my icons are in a specific order now.

Grab a copy of the handout here

Feel free to share the handout and this article.

This is a fun process once you get the hang of it.

Note: These instructions worked on my Windows
computer when I created the handout.

Procedures may change when Microsoft updates its software.

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Select one of these discussion topics or bring your own. Tell us about:

  • The time you printed a huge document because you tapped the wrong tool.
  • How you rearranged your QAT to prevent a debacle re-do.
  • The relief you feel discovering you can move these tools around. Woo hoo! 

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Kathie York, CSQE
Queen of Non-Overwhelm
Goals Accountability Instructor

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