Have a project we need to non-overwhelm? Click here to give me a brief description.
Today is the first anniversary of my book’s release!
Thanks to my readers for all your encouragement.
It’s my honor to help you reach non-overwhelm in business and life.
I hear this question from my Goals Accountability Blueprint students:
I set goals, but something always messes them up.”
- We haven’t said “No” to interruptions.
- It isn’t a realistic goal. There’s no way to complete it.
[GOAL 1] DON’T check your email first!
“What?! How does that work?”
Run a quick check on your business account. (Personal email [distraction] is a no-no during business hours, especially if you work for someone else.)
If there’s something critical from a client, address it and leave the other messages for later. Learning this little tweak is a schedule game-changer. I bet I’m not the only one who can get lost in my email account. For hours. Sigh.
Most messages can wait until later. And I make them wait until later. (Just about killed me the first time I did this!)
‘Later’ comes after achieving at least one quick win left over from the day before. Here are three ideas:
• Edit a short document and print it for reviewing (no on-screen proofing!).
• Purchase an item for your office (and immediately process the receipt for tax time*).
• Send a note about a project to a team member (who can take care of the issue).
Any of these could give you an achievement early in the day. You’ll think of more.
Go for it!
Starting with a ‘win’ adds a positive note to your day. Accomplish something within your first few minutes, and don’t allow anything to “mess it up.” Yes, starting with a positive moment is a psychological thing. But it works.
Save your general email review until you’ve finished a couple of ‘wins’ each morning.
By the way: research shows that maintaining a habit for 30 days solidifies it into a behavior. You don’t even think about it anymore. I’ve found this to be the case regarding email ( and flossing teeth, but that’s a topic for another day 😎 ). This one ‘edit’ in my procedures changed my days for the better.
Your takeaway goal
What would happen if you … right now … set this checking-email-later idea as a 30-day goal?
A month from now, this new habit could become second nature.
And your days should be more productive.
Try it, and come back to let us know how it works for you!
* There’s an extensive section in my book about this. It shows you how to have 90% of your [U.S.] tax reporting documentation ready by the last day of the year. Oh yeah!
Thanks for thinking through the goal with me. I hope you pursue it quickly, ’cause I know how much it helps!
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And I promise: NO inbox stuffing or sharing your information.
You’re welcome to Contact meif you have questions about this post …
… or need help getting to non-overwhelm with a biz or life issue (or reaching goals!).
Please provide a brief overview of the situation. A quick chat could be all you need to get you back on track. (And no … this is not a sales call!)
Thanks for spending part of your day with me.
I know you’re busy, and I appreciate your time.
Hope to hear from you soon. Let’s chat,
Kathie York is the Queen of Non-Overwhelm and a Goals Accountability instructor. Early this year, she launched a training program to answer the question, “How can I reach my goals?” (The ultimate in non-overwhelm, right?) Students love it! Check it out here. Although her office is near Indianapolis, Indiana [U.S.], Kathie works with colleagues worldwide.
View other posts about goals My book! Video workshops
Check out Laura Lopuch’s helpful, non-spammy approach to
cold emailing. I’m a graduate of the Growth Multiplier Mentorship,
Laura’s unique 6-month coaching program. Click here to learn more
Just shared this wonderful advice to FB friends. Thanks, Kathie, for another easy-to-follow, highly effective gold nugget. And congrats on your book’s first anniversary! I’ve recently come to understand, and gained a HUGE appreciation for, all the work this achievement represents. You’re a champion!
Happy to help, and thanks for the congrats.
Interestingly, IIIII refer to my book all the time!
All that info is gathered into one place so I don’t have to keep it all in my head :->