My title is … well, it’s just silly. Right?
Of course, we all know where our computer’s external speakers are located.
Are you sure?
[GOAL 2] Find the speakers on your desk … now!
Remember when I was a guest on Gillian Whitney’s May 2nd LinkedIn Live episode? At – literally – the last minute, it almost didn’t happen.
As we tested everything before the session, Gillian heard me just fine. But my (inside-its-‘box’) PC’s speaker was silent. I could not hear her.
If you watch the short video, you’ll see I’m on my smartphone. Gillian and I realized that was the only way the interview could go forward. She had written me a note, asking about an external speaker.
But I didn’t have one.
Or so I thought
A little backstory: I don’t get fussy about the audio on my desktop computer, so I’ve never installed fancy external speakers.
Totally forgot about my monitor’s speaker because I rarely use it. If I had tapped the button to unmute my monitor, Gillian and I would have been in business quickly.
The LinkedIn Live recording software looks for an external speaker for the guest, and my monitor qualified. It was working, but ‘mute’ cut off its output.
This is why, in the title of this post, I suggest getting familiar with your computer’s external speakers n-o-w. Please don’t get caught like I did.
Remember the scene, in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, where Khan
frantically tries to figure out which button to push?
Yeah. That was me a few weeks ago. Don’t be that person!
Oh, and by the way …
You may wonder why I was holding my phone to my ear in the video. Why not just put it on speaker and set it down? I didn’t want to take the chance of a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. going wrong! Adding the speaker to the mix would be one more hoop the phone would jump through.
A second ‘by the way’: last week, I signed into a webinar. I couldn’t hear the hosts. Guess what I did? Yup. I unmuted my monitor. I. am. trainable. 😎
Your takeaway goal
Within the next three days, help non-overwhelm your life by making sure you know how to access and use all of your computer’s external speakers. You’ll thank me if you ever need one of them in a hurry.
I hope you enjoyed this GOAL. Unfortunately, it’s here because of my nasty experience, but I’m happy to help where I can.
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Hope to hear from you soon. Let’s chat,
Kathie York is the Queen of Non-Overwhelm and a Certified Goal Success Life Coach. Early this year, she launched a training program to answer the question, “How can I reach my goals?” (The ultimate in non-overwhelm, right?) Students love it! Check it out here. Although her office is near Indianapolis, Indiana [U.S.], Kathie works with colleagues worldwide.