[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]
I’ve discovered many people have this resolution in January:
“THIS is the year I get my website!”
If that’s you, let me share this surprising tip:
[QW17] Test your site again after it launches!
Your developer may only check the mechanicals behind the scenes when it comes to testing.
Few have extensive copywriting training to engage your 21st-century visitors ‘out front.’
Which brings us to the point.
An after-launch check – by an outside tester – for ease of use (‘usability’) is a crucial final step.
It ensures your website works ‘out here,’ not only where it was constructed.
When your site launches, Google begins cataloging each page.
Until the process is complete, search engines can’t send visitors your way.
Use this cataloging time to ensure your offering is user-friendly for your readers.
Because usability isn’t just about bots and search engines.
Usability is about your visitors!
I hope you enjoyed this Quick Win ( [QW] ). I was happy to provide it for you.
Please help me grab some Google love by sharing this post and commenting.
Select one of these discussion topics or bring your own. Tell us about:
- Finding a site that was easier to use than you expected.
- A nightmare website you had to wrestle to the ground!
- Something you fixed on your site to make it easier to use.
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And I promise: NO inbox stuffing or sharing your information.
EMAIL MEif you need help with today’s info or would like to discuss my performing your website usability test.
An easy Zoom call (with a recording to you for your reference) might be all you need for your after-launch peace of mind.
Thanks for spending part of your day with me.
I know you’re busy, and I appreciate your time.
Hope to hear from you soon about your website checkup or other tech or text projects.
Thanks again for stopping by,
Please take me to the entire collection of [QW] posts!
While you’re here, check out the latest from Karen Estrin and me with our new-in-2022 Zoomcasts. These are quick, mini-workshops for your tech and text world. You can find an overview on my Resources page, plus Click here to just listen or to update your own projects!
Thanks, Kathy!
This is timely information as we look to potentially start a website for a new family business this year. Am I correct in thinking that *you* could be our third-party website tester (and proofreader) when it’s time?
Happy New Year and God bless you with prosperity within it!
Thank you, Robyn, and 2022 blessings back to you!
A new website is exciting!
I highly recommend talking with WorryFreeSites.com to help with the construction.
And yes, I can test/proof for you. The easiest way to do that is to have me take a look and then we jump on a Zoom. We’ll look it over right there!
So glad this helped with your venture. Keep me posted!