[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]
Especially if you’re a small biz owner, you’re probably using LinkedIn as an integral part of getting your name ‘out there.’ And if you usually post from a mobile device, you know you can save a draft of your LI message to finish, later.
However, this option wasn’t available on desktop computers. Until now.
[QW22] Saving draft posts on LinkedIn desktop
I’m a member of John Espirian’s Espresso+ group on LinkedIn, and I gotta tell ya … he’s worth my time and the membership fee. Along with helping the E+ team solve day-to-day writing and biz issues, John researches LinkedIn for us.
John provides hours of goodies for us each month, including his LinkedIn Roundup. I especially like it because its bits-n-bobs [ my Brit and Aussie buddies are wearin’ me down on the terminology 😎 ] are quick to review.
From this month’s Roundup (of August news), John has graciously provided this snippet for my readers. He showcases the new ability to save draft LI messages while working on our desktop computers. We can now start a post and finish it later.
I appreciated John’s tip about writing your text elsewhere and copying/pasting it into your LI post. I do this, even on Facebook. Not only will Grammarly check to ensure my writing is the best it can be, but I can also use the ‘Read aloud’ option in MSWord to make sure I didn’t leave anything out.
I don’t have this option yet
New LI bells and whistles don’t roll out to everyone at the same time. That’s why I asked John to provide this snippet of information. He does a better job than I could, plus I can get the info to you faster. Thanks, John!
Check out Espresso+
Feel free to check out Espresso+ by John Espirian. I am cautious about joining paid groups a.n.y.w.h.e.r.e. Are they worth it? What if I don’t need a huge amount of info about X? Are members helpful, too?
For me, this one (along with my Confident Copywriting group with Belinda Weaver) is worth it. And yes, members focus on supporting each other, too. (This is where I found the team to turn my book into the formats for Amazon.) Cool.
If you want to expand your visibility online, click here. You’ll find a bunch o’ good info – and it’s not hype – to help you make a yes/no decision about Espresso+.
No animals were hurt during the filming of this video and Kathie York received no compensation for suggesting you look into this paid LI group. Just sayin’. 😉
Thanks much to John Espirian for stepping up to the plate and providing this info. He got this to me so quickly, I moved [QW]s around and popped this one in for September … two days before post date!
Join the Conversation
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Select one of these discussion topics or bring your own. Tell us:
- What you think of Espresso+ (if you checked it out).
- How you use LinkedIn.
- About using the draft post feature on LinkedIn mobile.
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… or need help getting to non-overwhelm with a biz issue. Please provide a brief overview of the situation.
Thanks for spending part of your day with me.
I know you’re busy, and I appreciate your time.
Hope to hear from you soon. Let’s chat,
Kathie York is the Queen of Non-Overwhelm and a Certified Goal Success Life Coach. In early 2023, she’s launching a training program to answer the question, “How can I reach my goals?” (How much more non-overwhelm can you get?!) Although her office is located near Indianapolis, Indiana [U.S.], Kathie works with colleagues worldwide.
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