[Zoomcast #7] Recurring income model: Memberships

by | Apr 26, 2022

Have a biz issue we need to discuss? Contact me to tell me about it. Let’s get you to non-overwhelm!


Hey there!

Here’s this week’s mini-workshop (17:11 minutes).

Among other items, Karen Estrin (LocalWerx founder + marketing operations guru) and I discussed:

  • How a recurring income model can help the company and the member.
  • Bundling services and providing ongoing, specific support to each client.
  • Extra super-value 😎 safe space for clients: paid membership!

[Zoomcast #7] Recurring income model: Memberships

Thanks for stopping by!
Karen and I love sending these little bits of info your way.

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Contact me if you:

  • Have questions about today’s information.
  • Want to suggest a topic for a future Zoomcast (yay!).
  • Need to discuss your website’s ease of use (usability) factors.

Thanks for spending part of your day with Karen and me.
We know you’re busy, and we appreciate your time.

Kathie York

Karen Estrin

Find all the Zoomcasts here.     MY BOOK !

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Kathie York, CSQE
Queen of Non-Overwhelm
Goals Accountability Instructor

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