[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]
You’re on your iPad (or iPhone), cleaning up your email inbox.
There are several messages you need to send to Trash.
On the third one, you are stopped cold in your tracks.
Let’s talk about the notation you just received and how to delete the remaining emails.
[QW14] Getting past the iPad/iPhone Unable to Move Message
I haven’t figured out why – out of the blue – this problem rears its ugly head.
But I have figured out a way around it, and it does not include deleting your email account and reinstalling it (as I’ve seen suggested online. Yikes!).
When you see this error on your iPad or iPhone…
Unable to
Move Message
The message could not be
moved to the mailbox Trash
…send the email to yourself
I know this doesn’t make sense, but
- Address the email to yourself.
- Send it.
- Delete it from your inbox.
It goes to the Trash folder.
Yep. Seriously.
Ya gotta love all those cantankerous ones and zeros!
I hope you found this v-e-r-y quick Quick Win 😎 helpful and will share your ideas on this topic.
Use one of these points for a comment, or bring your own:
- If you know why this error occurs, please share!
- Have you found an easier way to get around this message?
- Do you see similar iPad or iPhone notations for other activities?
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Hi Kathie. Thanks for another great Quick Win. I have never had this happen to me on my I-pad (no i-phone). However, I now have the procedure in my toolbox just in case it does happen. Thanks again for all you do. Take care and stay safe.
Hi, Norman,
You are welcome and thank you for stopping by.
I’m glad you found this helpful. If you lose your note about it, you can search for this post from anywhere on my site.
Just put “ipad” in the search bar (no quote marks).
Have a great rest of your Saturday, K.