[ Quick Win posts – QWs – are brief items to help non-overwhelm your day. Enjoy! ]
If you caught my LinkedIn post about newsjacking*, you might have wondered, “Yeah, Kathie, but how do I find these fun, off-the-wall holidays?”
You-u-u know-w-w me-e-e. I have a solution for you!
[QW23] Shake up your social media posts!
Angie Gensler is a talented marketing strategist, blogger, and podcaster who knows a thing or three about “Holidays + Fun, Weird and Special Dates.”
Her list is uh-MAZE-ing and the best I’ve found when it comes to great ideas – and keeping up with them!
Angie’s my go-to for newsjacking and other ideas to switch up my posts.
Check out Angie Gensler’s site
I hope you enjoyed this Quick Win ( [QW] ). I was happy to provide it for you.
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Select one of these discussion topics, or bring your own.
- If you checked out Angie Gensler’s list, which item did you use online?
- How do you decide which intriguing fun facts to add to your posts?
- If newsjacking is a new concept, do you plan to use it? How?
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… or need help getting to non-overwhelm with a business issue (no invoice). Please provide a brief overview of the biz situation.
Thanks for spending part of your day with me.
I know you’re busy, and I appreciate your time.
Hope to hear from you soon. Let’s chat,
* Term originated from using an item in the current news cycle to pull readers into your content
Kathie York is the Queen of Non-Overwhelm and a Certified Goal Success Life Coach. In early 2023, she’s launching a training program to answer the question, “How can I reach my goals?” (How much more non-overwhelm can you get?!) Although her office is located near Indianapolis, Indiana [U.S.], Kathie works with colleagues worldwide.
See all [QW] posts Social media tips KATHIE’S BOOK !!